Saturday, 11 October 2014

Website Announcement!


after what has been quite a long time coming my website is now finally up and online, hooray! Please make sure to check it out at There you will find a range of my artwork both oil paintings and sketches of wildlife and pets as well as some information about me. 

I am now open to commissions for those living in the UK. So if you or someone you know would like to get a piece of artwork made of a pet, let me know! My wildlife art is also available to purchase locally for those in the Kent area. 

Either way I hope you check it out and enjoy what you see. Feel free to ask questions if you have any, give feedback, and so on. It will be regularly updated with new artwork so check back ever-so-often to see what's new.
My website is finally online!
If you live in Kent you might want to check out the Art Postcard Exhibition that is running from the 18th of October through to November 1st. This an event being run during the Canterbury Festival that is being run to raise funds for Save the Children as part of the No Child Born to Die campaign. The idea is that a number of postcards are produced by artists, including some well known ones, to be sold for £25 each but each is sold anonymously without the buyer being aware of the postcard's artist until they buy it.
What is it? It's a mystery for now!
I've contributed something this year which I thought turned out pretty well and I will be posting a Work in Progress for it once the exhibition is over. If you are interesting in visiting the Exhibition it is being held at the Lilford and Stark Galleries in Castle Street, Canterbury. Let's raise lots of money!

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