Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Painting in progress

So I wanted to share the progress one of my latest paintings, which there was a sketch of last week. It's still not quite finished but its almost there. The finished painting will probably be uploaded to my deviantart account next week so check it out then. There's another painting that I would really like to share but it has to wait a couple of months but I will do a WIP (Work in Progress) for it and talk about it when I am able as I think it came out pretty well.

Work in Progress: In a Melting World

So here's the sketch that I showed last week:
So this was creating a basic composition for my painting and the elements I wanted in it. The parallel lines across the bears face are to help keep facial features in proportion.
Here I've finished most of my background. First I did a block coat of blue as a base layer and let it try before another coat of blue and some shading to create some depth under the bear.
Working on reflections can be particularly challenging at this stage. I concentrated on the ice and the reflections of it and the bear. The base shading of the bear is done both with a warm blue for the main body of the bear and a cool blue of the water's reflection.
At this point I had done most of the shadows and highlights in the body of the bear and had just started putting down the base tones of the head.
Here I've worked again adding the cool and warm blues into the face and the darks of the eyes and nose. I've also added bubbles into the water which adds a sense of movement. This is where I am up to today so hopefully I only need to do finishing touches and sign it.

Furthermore, I think this is the only painting I've actually titled long before painting it as a concept, rather than the usual having no idea what to title paintings. I hope it makes people think a little about the other critters on this planet and how they are doing instead of just the bubble of their immediate surroundings.

Hope you like what I have at this stage!

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