Monday, 22 September 2014

Winter Fox Painting - Finished!

Part 8 of my painting and the final stage.

Sorry it's a little later than stated. I have just arrived back from Iceland and my timing was a little off.

Regardless here are the final couple of changes and the completed painting.

I've worked a lot more into the snow of the foreground, trying to add some lightness and texture to it. I've also added a couple of holly branches over the fox with some more snow to help 'sit' the fox into the painting better and lifted the height of the snow at the fox's tail.

As I work, and at the end of the painting, a trick I find useful is to hold up the painting to a mirror and look at its reflection, or alternatively scan a photo in and flip the image. This is useful to see if any elements look off as your brain can find these hard to perceive after looking at the same image for so long.

Once done, I signed and dated the painting. I hope you like it!

Title: A Winter's Day

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