Sunday, 26 July 2015

Wildlife painting part 2

Here's is the second part of the progress of my clouded leopard painting.

So this is where we left off from last time:

As you can see the leopard itself was largely incomplete.
As I began to texture the legs and face I realised that I had skewed the image somewhat and the ear on the right side needed correcting along with the slight lean visible in the back. Sometimes these things happen with paintings and you need to tweak them into shape. I also added some dark textures into the branch the leopard was walking along.
Having adjusted the issues I found I added some more texturing to the branch as well as putting in some more foliage into the painting along with the whiskers.
Finally I added some more toning to the leaves and branch and gave more definition to the raised paw and lightened the face a little. Hope it's done now, just need to think of a title :)

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